
The financial health of a pension plan can be measured by its funded status. TRAF monitors the funded status of the plan and other metrics very carefully and communicates its findings to various stakeholders.

image of man and woman sitting talking in a business setting, and image of two women talking in a business setting


The financial health of a pension plan can be measured by its funded status. TRAF monitors the funded status of the plan and other metrics very carefully and communicates its findings to various stakeholders.

“Funding” is the process of setting aside assets to pay for the benefits promised under the plan. Funding a pension plan can promote the long-term sustainability of the plan and improve benefit security. TRAF uses various metrics to monitor the current and projected funding levels of the plan. Explore these pages to learn more.

Account B Report

In 2022, the Board engaged Aon to conduct an analysis on the funding of Account B by the Province of Manitoba. The purpose of the analysis was to examine the Province’s current funding practice and the implications for its projected future cash outlays and the funded status of Account B.