We recognize that this is a difficult time, but it is important that TRAF be advised as soon as possible when a death occurs. Depending on the plan option you selected at retirement, your pension may be affected if your spouse/partner passes away. It is also important that a spouse or beneficiary inform us of the death of a member. Alerting our office will prevent pension overpayments, which would be required to be repaid to TRAF later.

Monthly pension benefits may continue after the death of the member or spouse, depending on the plan option you selected.

If the pension is continuing, you or your partner/beneficiary should be aware of the following:

  • Prompt notification of death will prevent pension overpayments which must be repaid to TRAF.
  • The partner/beneficiary will be entitled to 2/3 of the cost of living adjustment (COLA) payment – both the cumulative COLA (from start of pension) to date, as well as for future payments. This is true regardless of the plan option to choose at retirement.
  • Deductions such as extended health premiums may change.
  • It may be necessary to contact the insurance providers directly in the case of other optional deductions.
  • Your partner may choose to continue membership in the Retired Teachers’ Association of Manitoba.

If the pension is continuing, TRAF requires the following documents:

  • Copy of the will or Letters of Administration if pension payments are continuing to your designated beneficiary. In certain cases, a notarial copy of the probated will may be required.
  • A copy of the will is not required if the pension is continuing to your partner on a joint-life pension option
  • Copy of the death certificate or funeral director’s certificate
  • Beneficiary Social Insurance Number Verification form if the payment is continuing to the beneficiary
  • TD1 forms
  • Change Notification form along with a void cheque indicating your new banking information

If the pension is not continuing, TRAF will determine if there is a balance of contributions and interest remaining in your account. If there is a balance remaining, TRAF requires the following documents:

  • Copy of the will or Letters of Administration if the balance is to be refunded to your partner or designated beneficiary (in certain cases a notarial copy of the probated will may be required)
  • Notarial copy of the probated will or Letters of Administration if the balance is to be refunded to your estate
  • Application for Refund on Death of Pensioner (provided by TRAF)
  • Copy of the death certificate or funeral director’s certificate

You may wish to designate a contingent beneficiary for any contributions and interest remaining in your account at the time of your death, should both you and your partner pass away. Contact TRAF for details.