Online Services is quick, secure and easy to use. To register, visit Online Services and click the “Register” button. Complete the steps and click “Submit.” Your registration will be processed within two business days and then you will receive an email from TRAF that includes your user ID.

The first time you log in, you may be asked to:

  • Verify your email address
  • Set a new password
  • Set up email for multi-factor authentication (MFA)

Learn more about how to register for Online Services and set up MFA by watching a step-by-step video or reviewing the fact sheet.

Once you are in receipt of pension, you are not allowed to change your beneficiary unless you have selected Plan A or Plan B.

It is critical that you advise TRAF if you change banks or accounts. If we are not aware of a change, your pension payment may not be deposited into your account. Complete the Change Notification form and upload it to our secure platform by logging in to your Online Services account and choosing “Share Documents.”

You can increase your tax deduction at any time, but TRAF is required to deduct a minimum amount of income tax from your payment, based on Canada Revenue Agency regulations. Log in to your Online Services account and try the Tax Calculator to help determine the amount of income tax TRAF is required to withhold from your gross monthly pension.

If you find that the additional tax you requested is no longer necessary; you can reduce or eliminate anything above the minimum requirements.

Your pension may or may not be affected depending on which plan option you selected at retirement.

TRAF deposits your pension into your bank account on the last banking day of each month. See the current schedule of pension payment dates.

Once you receive your first payment, you cannot change your plan option.

No. These are federal government programs and you must apply separately to receive these benefits, even if you have chosen integration with TRAF. Contact CPP & OAS at 1-800-277-9914.

Cost of living adjustment (COLA) payments are meant to help offset inflation and are granted to the extent they can be funded by a separate account known as the Pension Adjustment Account (PAA). The PAA is funded by a portion of active members’ contributions and investment earnings and is responsible for one half of the COLA granted to eligible retired members or their beneficiaries. The Province funds the other half of the COLA as benefit payments are made.

The maximum amount of COLA that can be paid each year is the lesser of:

  1. the change in the Consumer Price Index for Canada – December over the previous December, and
  2. the amount the PAA can support.

Our actuary has projected future COLA to be approximately 0.91% over the long term. COLA is subject to annual fluctuations and there is no guarantee that a COLA will be granted every year. Annuities are not entitled to a COLA.

COLAs are granted in July. You may be entitled to receive your first COLA in your 13th pension payment. In order to receive a full COLA, you must have received pension payments for 18 months prior to that COLA being granted. Otherwise, the COLA will be pro-rated based on the number of months you received a pension prior to the July when the COLA was granted.

COLA will continue for any plan option that provides ongoing pension payments after the death of a member. However, the beneficiary is only entitled to two-thirds of the COLA payment – that includes the cumulative COLA from the date your pension started to the present date, as well as for future COLAs granted.

Your T4A or NR4 (non-resident) is available in your Online Services account by the end of February each year. Paper copies are also mailed.

TRAF has a Member Appeal Policy which outlines a process to follow should you wish to appeal certain decisions.

TRAF offre une politique d’appel à ses membres qui explique le processus à suivre dans l’éventualité où un membre voudrait en appeller de certaines decisions.